How to choose silicone weathering adhesive?

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Silicone weatherproof glue is a special kind of glue.

How to choose silicone weathering adhesive?

Silicone weatherproof glue is a special kind of glue. Why do you say that? Because they are a new generation of green sealing material products born under the national policy of energy saving, sealing and environmental protection in construction projects, they can be classified according to performance and materials, and can also be appropriately and reasonably customized according to the differences in the use site. Common insulating glass sealants should be compared and analyzed in terms of resistance to water vapor penetration, UV resistance, and water resistance.
All aspects of glass production will directly or indirectly affect the construction quality of silicone weather-resistant adhesives, thereby affecting the sealing life of glass. The entire production process includes glass cutting and cleaning, partition cutting and cleaning, desiccant selection and filling, partition coating, lamination and gluing.
We said above that silicone weather-resistant adhesive is a special kind of glue, and there are many places to pay attention to during the purchase process. First of all, several aspects should be considered, such as the product's resistance to water vapor penetration, UV resistance, and water penetration resistance. As a new generation of green environmental protection sealing materials born under the national policy, as the name suggests, their materials are more stable and will not release toxic and harmful pollutants and formaldehyde gas.